All of your Float questions answered in one easy place!

Everything from what to expect on the day of your float, to our cancellation and reschedule policies.

Pre-float recommendations
1. Keep really well hydrated
You should aim to drink at least 2l of water everyday in the days leading up to and after your float. 
While you float your body will absorb the Magnesium and Sulphate from the water through your skin. This draws toxins and lactic acid into your lymphatic system for elimination. Your lymphatic system relies on you drinking plenty of water in order for toxins to be flushed out of your body through your liver and kidneys.
2. Avoid sugar, caffeine and processed food
We recommend avoiding stimulants for as long as you can, but at least 2 hours before your float.
During floating your brain waves slow down to the Theta State. During which your brain releases natural pain relieving and happy endorphins. If you consume stimulants prior to your float it will take longer to get to the Theta state and thus you will not maximise the benefits.
3. Have a light meal 1hr prior
You should avoid having a float on a full stomach as you may feel nauseas. Your digestive system requires your body to be upright to process your food. Even if you lay down on a bed or couch you may feel nauseas if you lay down soon after having a big meal. 
If you float on an empty stomach the felling of hunger may distract you. All external stimuli is eliminated so the hunger will be all that you will focus on.
4. Avoid shaving or waxing on the day of your float. 
The water in our pod contains 600kg of Epsom Salt. If you have small cuts or wounds the water will sting for the first 10-15 minutes of your float making it harder for you to fully let go. 
5. Avoid colouring your hair 1 week prior to your float.
The high concentration of the salt water in our pod may strip the colour from freshly dyed hair. This will not only fade your new hairdo but also taint the colour of the water in the pod. If your colour does not leach when you shampoo it you will not need to worry. 
6. Do not apply fake tan within 1 week before your float.
The high salt concentration will leave your fake tan blotchy and may taint the water in the pod. 


If you smoke:
Try to avoid having a cigarette in the hour before your float. Nicotine is a stimulant and it can delay the relaxation process.
If you wear contact lenses:
You may want to consider bringing your solution with you so that you can remove your contact lenses before your float. This is a precaution only. If you get the salt water in your eyes it will sting - but don't worry, it's not harmful and we have a spray bottle with fresh water and a face towel inside the pod to spray and wipe away. It can be a little difficult to get rid of the salt easily wearing lenses. 
Your floating visit – what to expect
1. Aim to arrive 5 minutes early. This allows time for your consultation and to use the bathroom if you need to. Bathers are not required as you will have your own private suite with a shower. We provide towels and toiletries. 
2. We will give you an introduction to floating. We recommend that you put your phone on silent or do not disturb mode so that it will not interrupt your float. 
3. Have a hot shower. You want to remove natural oils, moisturisers, deodorants and dead skin to allow for maximum absorption of the Magnesium and Sulphate from the water while you float (pod is filled in 600kg of Magnesium Sulphate aka Epsom Salt). Finish off with a warm to old shower so that the water in the pod will not feel cold. 
4. Put in your ear plugs (we provide them for you).
5. Get into the pod. And close the lid if you choose to (the lid can be left fully or partially open, or fully closed). 
6. Lay back and float! The light switch is inside the pod so it is completely up to you if you float in complete darkness or not. The water will feel silky smooth to touch and your skin won't go wrinkly from being in the water for an extended period of time. 
7. Music will play for the first 10 minutes of your float and will come back on for the last 5 minutes to signal that your float session is almost over.
8. Once the music stops, sit up slowly. Open the lid and slowly step out of the pod.
9. Have another shower. Get dressed and when you come back out to the relaxation room we will have herbal tea and filtered water available for you!
What is an infrared sauna?
An infrared sauna is the ultimate detox to boost your immune system and improve circulation. It is the perfect treatment to promote good health by aiding detoxification, reducing inflammation, improve the appearance of your skin, increase endurance and performance.
Infrared Saunas use radiant heat to warm your body, as opposed to traditional saunas that heat the air and as such you will sweat at a much lower temperature
Your infrared sauna visit – what to expect
1. Aim to arrive 5 minutes early. This allows for your consultation and to use the bathroom if you need to. We provide towels and toiletries. 
2. We will give you an introduction to using an infrared sauna. Infrared saunas don't get as hot as traditional saunas. This is because rather than heat the air, like a traditional sauna, an infrared sauna heats your body using radiant heat. This means the air temperature is much more comfortable, but you still sweat!
3. Remove any jewellery / watch.  
4. Undress and step into your private sauna. We recommend sauna bathing nude!
5. It can take up to 15 minutes before you start to sweat. The more hydrated you are the quicker you will sweat. 
6. After your session. Slowly step out of the sauna and have a cold shower. There is only cold water to the shower! It is really important to have a cold shower after a hot sauna. Not only does the cold constrict your blood vessels quickly - making them more elastic, but it also helps your body cool down and bring all the blood from the surface of your skin back to your core. 
7. Avoid putting any products on your skin after your sauna session. Heat can make your skin a little more sensitive.
8. Keep really well hydrated over the rest of the day!  
What is your cancelation or reschedule policy?
We require 24hrs notice for cancellation or reschedule to avoid forfeiting a service credit or voucher if the spot can't be filled at short notice.
What is your refund policy?
Gift vouchers and service credits are non refundable. 
We require 24hrs advance notice for cancellation or reschedule to avoid forfeiting a voucher or service credit if the spot cant be filled with short notice.
What is your privacy and data policy?

We manage your data in accordance with current Australian privacy legislation.

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